
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Day 2

  1. The nomination process for Freshmen elections is open until September 16th. All 9th grade candidates for class office must complete the nomination form including 50 signatures of classmates.  Forms will be turned in at a mandatory meeting on Friday, September 16th in the lower library immediately after school. Nomination forms are available in the Main Office. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Milton or Mrs. Carey.
  2. There will be a SADD meeting TODAY at 2 PM in Room 190.
  3. Sign ups for Adopt A Class Truck Day are available in the Main Office. Earn 1 scholarship point for every hour you volunteer. Truck Day is on Sunday, September 18th.
  4. There will be a meeting of school store volunteers in Room 190 on Wednesday, September 14th at 2 PM.
  5. There will be a debate team meeting for returning members on Thursday, September 15th at 2 PM in Room 207.
  6. The class of 2014 will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 20th after school in room 164.
  7. The first Students for Environmental Action meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 21st at 2:10 PM in Room 164. New members are welcome.